Author: Tendai Kativhu

  • Smile


    A smile is a sign of good nutrition and magnifies body beauty. Nevertheless a smile may not be attractive if it does not reavel healthy teeth. To help teeth grow strong and well formed, it is necessary to combine 3 factors: Periodic vigilence, hygiene and adequate diet . Foods rich in calcium such as dry…

  • Heart Disease

    Heart Disease

    Heart disease has no geographic , gender, social or economic boundaries. We are all prone to it. The main culprits are excessive amounts of fat and cholesterol Atherosclerosis The underlying problem is narrowing, hardening and eventually plugging up of vital arteries that supply the heart with oxygen. We are born with clean and flexible arteries…

  • You are what you eat

    You are what you eat

    People are increasingly eating too much of nearly everything, too much sugar, too much fat, too much cholesterol, too much salt. They eat too many calories and eat too often. Such abundance of food has laid a foundation for coronory artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure, athritis, diabetes, obesity and several types of cancer. Here…

  • Personal Hygiene/ Care

    Personal Hygiene/ Care

    Practices performed by an individual in taking care of his or her own body to look better and feel better. Why is it important? It is like lubrication of a machine. If a machine is not taken care of and lubricated well it will soon break down These includes – Bathing – Dental and oral…

  • Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe Vera Gel

    The succulent Aloe vera gel is obtained from within the leaves. The outside rind is removed leaving the slimy, sticky gelatin-like tissue containing tremendous medicinal properties. Aloe Vera Gel has had a profound influence on the health and lifestyle of many. This is due to the adaptogenic nature of the gel, different bodies draw differently…

  • Pyorrhea ( Gum Disease)

    Pyorrhea ( Gum Disease)

    Pyorrhea is an infection of the gums and the base of the teeth Symptoms are • Irritation and pain in the gums • Secretion of pus • Swelling and loose teeth which fall out in many occasions The most frequent causes are • Lack of vitamin C , Vit B3 and bioflavenoids which causes poor…

  • Cancer


    When you cut yourself, new cells are produced to replace those lost or eliminated. The reproduction of cells stops when the proper amount has been created. When the cells in a certain part of the body continue reproducing new cells uncontrollably and without any reason they produce a hard tumor. This is what is called…

  • Vaginitis


    Def: Vaginitis is an infection in the vagina Symptoms Include: Irritation, pain, burning , an exessive discharge of vaginal fluid of white or yellow in color. Causes * This vaginal irritation or infections occurs more frequently in pregnant women , women with diabetes or women who use a diaphram or birth control pills. * Lack…

  • Heart Burn, Acidosis

    Heart Burn, Acidosis

    Acid indigestion or Heart Burn is the excess of digestive juices in the stomach among which is found hydrochloric acid. Symptoms A sensation of acidity and pain in the stomach, at times this acid rises up to the oesophagus and can produce a strong sensation of discomfort and acidity ( heart burn) CAUSES It is…

  • The Male Climacteric

    The Male Climacteric

    The male climacteric is the period in the male’s life which starts around 45 years of age in which andropause begins. It is characterized by the appearance of physical and phsycological disorders as well as changes in sexual behaviour. Sexual prime in males is normally reached at between 17 and 30 years, from this point…

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