What is it?
Is the ending of menstrual periods. This phenomenon normally occurs between the ages 45 & 52 even though it may occur before or after this time.
Decrease in the hormone production by ovaries ( Estrogen & Progesterone).
• Irregular menses , sometimes with a lot of bleeding & others with almost none occurring each time with less and less frequency.
• Hot flashes & sweating during the night
• Vaginal dryness
• Brittle bones ( Oesteoporosis)
• Mood swings
• Insomnia ( sleeping disorders)
• cardiac problems
• Urinary tract infections & vaginitis
When menopause is over the woman becomes free from a complete series of physical & psychological discomforts and leads a normal stable life.
Suggested remedies
• Hot flashes are a result of a decrease in the production of the estrogen hormone. One should eliminate coffee, alcohol, cola beverages and live a stress free life
• Supplementing with Royal Jelly is helpful as it contains estrogen hormones. Taking Royal jelly can substitute for the loss of this substance in women and help reduce effects caused by menopause. Other recommended supplements are Vitolize for women and Ginseng
• Since Oestoporosis is another problem present in post-menopausal women , the intake of Forever Calcium supplement highly recommended. Intake of dairy products such as milk, cheese & yogurt are helpful as the also contain calcium.
• Excessive bleeding take vit C , Vit B12 with folic acid
• Vaginal dryness – Eat avocados
• Yeast infection – Drink Aloe berry nector , yogurt, Vit A
• Reduce protein intake and increase grain & vegetable intake.
Nutrition plays a critical role in managing this phenomenon , so dont let yourself suffer.